Assessing the impact of foliar fertilization with manganese and copper on the yield and chemical composition of spring barley
The study assessed the impact of foliar fertilization with manganese and copper on the yield, yield structure features, SPAD, LAI, and the chemical composition of 4 spring barley cultivars. It has been demonstrated that the cultivars responded to the applied foliar fertilization with manganese and copper with yield increases. In the case of hulled cultivars Hajduczek and Promyk, as well as in the hulless cultivar Gawrosz, higher yield increases, compared to those in the control treatment, were observed after foliar fertilization with manganese than with copper. The cultivar Suweren responded more favourably to foliar fertilization with copper than with manganese. Foliar fertilization with copper resulted in a higher number of ears per 1 m2 and number of grains per ear and a lower weight of a 1000 grains. The relative chlorophyll content in F-2 leaves was higher in the cultivars fertilized with copper, compared to manganese; the opposite was true only for Suweren. The LAI index depended on the cultivar and the microelement used. The cultivars Hajduczek and Gawrosz demonstrated the most favourable LAI index. The analysis revealed a higher contents of both total protein and crude ash in the chemical composition of grains from micronutrient treated plots vs. the control plots. Larger increases in comparison to the control were observed after the application of copper than manganese.
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