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Sławomir Stankowski
Anna Jaroszewska
Grzegorz Hury
Dariusz Dojss
Marzena Gibczyńska


The subject of the study was an analysis of the impact of multicomponent mineral fertilizers manufactured in Poland and abroad, on changes in the content of available phosphorus and potassium as well as exchangeable magnesium in the soil. The study also looked at the effect of varying doses of multi-component fertilizers produced in Belarus, Russia and Poland. The experiments were carried out in 2015–2017 in Poland. The experimental plant was winter oilseed rape. The use of compound fertilizers of Belarusian, Russian, and Polish production did not have a significant impact on changes in soil pH during rapeseed cultivation. No differences in the effect of multicomponent fertil-izers on changes in the content of available potassium and ex-changeable magnesium were found. In the soils of both experi-ments, increasing the doses of tested multicomponent fertilizers had significant influence on the increase in the amount of avail-able potassium and did not cause any changes in the abundance of exchangeable magnesium in the soil. Generally similar effects of multicomponent fertilizers Belarusian, Russian and Polish origin on investigated soil properties were noticed.

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How to Cite
Stankowski, S., Jaroszewska, A., Hury, G., Dojss, D. and Gibczyńska, M. 2018. Multicomponent mineral fertilizers vs. soil fertility after winter rape cultivation. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 35 (Dec. 2018), 52–58. DOI: