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Tadeusz Oleksiak


The aim of the study was to assess the yields of winter wheat quality varieties at the following stages: breeding, variety tests, seed production, grain production, and to evaluate the use of the existing yielding potential. The research material comprised the yield data from the post-registration tests (PDO), the data of the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection (PIORiN) concerning size of seed plantations and the results surveys of conducted in 2008–2013 and 2015. The increase of yield potential of winter wheat in individual quality varieties was demonstrated. The potential of varieties is increasingly utilized in the commercial production. High yields of quality varieties result from increasing yield potential but also from choices made in the selection of site and crop management practices.

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How to Cite
Oleksiak, T. 2023. YIELDING OF QUALITY VARIETIES OF WHEAT IN EXPERIMENTS AND IN PRODUCTION. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 26 (Sep. 2023), 66–73.