Impact of climate change on agriculture in Poland
Agriculture, on the one hand, emits greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change, and on the other hand, it is the sector which is most affected by the progressing climate change. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of climate change on agriculture and to identify measures adapting agriculture in Poland to changing climatic conditions. The sources of information were legal acts, reports and documents of international institutions, as well as literature on the subject. The study analysed the impact of climate change effects on the conditions of conducting and the volume of agricultural production in global, European and national terms. The analysis showed that progressive climate change and its impact on changing agricultural production conditions threaten the productivity of agriculture, and thus limit the provision of food security. The dynamics of these changes, the extensive scope of threats and the strength of their negative impact prompt adaptation measures. Adaptation measures, the implementation of which enables adaptation to the current and expected climate and its impacts, have been identified.
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