
Jan Bocianowski
Piotr Szulc
Kamila Nowosad
Magdalena Rybus-Zając


Analysis of relationships between traits is an impor-tant stage in research. These results determine the decisionstaken at further stages of research as well as those made whenrealising successive experiments. The paper presents resultsof an analysis of relationships between twelve traits of two ty-pes of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars differing in leaf blade se-nescence rates: ES Palazzo and ES Paroli SG. Analysed traits:assimilation surface area (ASA), ear weight (EW), ear weightfraction (EWF), leaf area index (LAI), leaf area ratio (LAR),leaf weight (LW), leaf weight fraction (LWF), number ofleaves (NL), plant weight (PW), specific leaf area (SLA), stemweight (SW) and stem weight fraction (SWF). Recorded re-sults indicate positive correlations between: LW–SW, LW–PW,EW–SW, PW–SW, EW–PW, EW–EWF, SLA–LAR and nega-tive correlations of LW–SLA, LAR–SW, PW–SLA, PW–LAR,SWF–EWF for both types of maize cultivars in all the three yearsof experiments.


Jak cytować
Bocianowski, J., Szulc, P., Nowosad, K. i Rybus-Zając, M. 2016. Relationships between selected traits of maize cultivars differing in leaf blade senescence rates. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 26 (grudz. 2016), 9–14.