Agronomy2025-01-29T13:11:28+00:00Beata Feledyn-Szewczyk (editor-in-chef) Beata.Szewczyk@iung.pulawy.plOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Current Agronomy </strong><strong>(</strong><strong>CA</strong><strong>, formerly Polish Journal of Agronomy)</strong><strong> </strong>is an open access scientific journal covering topics connected to broad-sense crop production and agriculture-related environmental issues. It publishes original, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles in open volume model. <strong>Authors do not incur any costs for publishing articles in CA. </strong></p> <p>All articles published in CA are made available to readers without restriction under a CC BY license.</p> <p><strong><img src="" alt="Licencja" width="88" height="31" /> <img src="" alt="Licencja" width="100" height="" /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Publishers:</strong><br />Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation<br />State Research Institute<br />Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland</p> <p>De Gruyter Poland Sp. z o.o.<br />Bogumila Zuga 32a<br />01-811 Warsaw, Poland</p> <p> </p> <p>ISSN <strong>3071-740X</strong></p> <p> </p> of climate change on agriculture in Poland2024-08-22T07:31:53+00:00Antonii Fabersas@asa.plZuzanna<p>Agriculture, on the one hand, emits greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change, and on the other hand, it is the<br>sector which is most affected by the progressing climate change. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of climate change on agriculture and to identify measures adapting agriculture in Poland to changing climatic conditions. The sources of information were legal acts, reports and documents of international institutions, as well as literature on the subject. The study analysed the impact of climate change effects on the conditions of conducting and the volume of agricultural production in global, European and national terms. The analysis showed that progressive climate change and its impact on changing agricultural production conditions threaten the productivity of agriculture, and thus limit the provision of food security. The dynamics of these changes, the extensive scope of threats and the strength of their negative impact prompt adaptation measures. Adaptation measures, the implementation of which enables adaptation to the current and expected climate and its impacts, have been identified.</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Current Agronomy resilience and agricultural sustainability – which is which?2024-10-23T08:03:35+00:00Adam Kleofas Berbeć<p>Agricultural sustainability and agricultural resilience are two related concepts focus on maintaining the productivity and functionality of agricultural systems. Agricultural sustainability, a part of sustainable development, focuses on the long-term viability of agricultural practices, with conservation and efficient use of natural resources, the promotion of biodiversity and the enhancement of ecosystem services delivery to ensure the continued productivity of agricultural systems as central point of the concept. Agricultural sustainability seeks to balance the environmental goals with economic and social aspects of agricultural operations. Agricultural resilience is a narrower concept, focusing mostly on the ability of agricultural systems to withstand and recover from specific external disturbances (negative effects of climate change, market fluctuations). The interconnections between two concepts are currently underexplored.<br>Agricultural resilience must be seen through the lens of a specific context or challenge to which it responds. Both concepts are essential for developing agricultural systems that can thrive in the face of evolving challenges and contribute to food security, environmental protection and economic stability. Agricultural sustainability provides a foundation for resilience, while improved agricultural resilience can contribute to long-term sustainability of agricultural systems. At the same time not all sustainable agricultural systems are resilient to specific shocks and stresses, and vice-versa. The aim of the study was to identify similarities and differences between the concepts of agricultural sustainability and resilience, with particular reference to their interaction.</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of different doses of apple pomace to the substrate on photosynthetic efficiency and yield in common buckwheat in a model experiment2024-10-23T07:24:07+00:00Marcin Róż<p>By-products of apple juice pressing should be used for the benefit of the environment. One way to manage them is to add them to the soil in raw or composted form as a natural fertiliser and source of organic matter. A study was therefore undertaken to test several doses of apple pomace to the substrat on photosynthetic parameters and yield of buckwheat. The experiment was conducted in a vegetation hall under controlled, automatic irrigation to 60% of the field water capacity. The model study used the cultivar Red corolla and three doses of apple pomace applied to pots in the following amounts: 0 control, 70, 140 and 210 g per pot, which corresponded to field volume: 1, 2 and 3 t·ha-1. Four photosynthetic parameters (Pn, E, Gs and Ci) were measured and the water use efficiency was determined. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm and PI) was also investigated. The most suitable variant for buckwheat was the using 210 g which resulted in increased photosynthesis intensity, chlorophyll fluorescence and buckwheat yield.</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 studies on the allelopathic potential of two invasive species of Solidago against selected cereal weeds2024-10-23T08:12:54+00:00Jarosław Mołdochsfsd@iung.plKrzysztof<p>Agricultural sustainability and agricultural resilience are two related concepts focus on maintaining the productivity and functionality of agricultural systems. Agricultural sustainability, a part of sustainable development, focuses on the long-term viability of agricultural practices, with conservation and efficient use of natural resources, the promotion of biodiversity and the enhancement of ecosystem services delivery to ensure the continued productivity of agricultural systems as central point of the concept. Agricul- tural sustainability seeks to balance the environmental goals with economic and social aspects of agricultural operations. Agricultural resilience is a narrower concept, focusing mostly on the ability of agricultural systems to withstand and recover from specific external disturbances (negative effects of climate change, market fluctuations). The interconnections between two concepts are currently under- explored. Agricultural resilience must be seen through the lens of a specific context or challenge to which it responds. Both concepts are essential for developing agricultural systems that can thrive in the face of evolving challenges and contribute to food security, environ- mental protection and economic stability. Agricultural sustainability provides a foundation for resilience, while improved agricultural resilience can contribute to long-term sustainability of agricultural systems. At the same time not all sustainable agricultural systems are resilient to specific shocks and stresses, and vice-versa. The aim of the study was to identify similarities and differences between the concepts of agricultural sustainability and resilience, with particular reference to their interaction.</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 characteristics and economic performance of cocoa farms in Haiti2024-10-23T08:37:13+00:00Predner Duvivierfdfs@iung.plGelin Doréusasda@iung.plRobers-Pierre Tescarffd@iung.plNicolas Ophny<p>This study aimed to describe the agronomic characteristics of the cocoa based farms, estimate their agronomic and economic performance and carry out a gender analysis. Data relating to crops economic value or food security importance, household size, farm- ers’ age, farm size, crop yield and farm family income were collected by focus groups or individual surveys. The results showed that, in average, the households’ size was 4.37 people and the producers’ age, 52 years. The female headed farm size was 1.56 ha against 2.20 ha for the male headed ones. Cocoa farm yield was 562.98 kg/ha and average farm income, 622.3 USD for female headed farms against 1138.0 USD for male headed ones. Compared to male, female farmers possessed less land and earned lower farm income</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of sowing date and cultivar on grain and protein yield of grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]2024-11-08T06:33:46+00:00Marcin Róż<p>Sorghum is a warm-climate crop that is tolerant of water shortages and drought. In terms of climate change in Europe, this cereal could be increasingly grown to replace maize where maize cannot be grown. Unfortunately, the agronomics and especially the optimum sowing date are currently not sufficiently researched, which means that many farmers potentially interested in growing sorghum do not know what sowing date to use. The diversity of cultivar also poses a problem in terms of their appropriate selection and sowing date for the weather conditions in Poland. The study used two different sowing dates for sorghum: in the first decade of May and the second decade of May. Three different grain sorghum cultivars were used: Albanus, Anggy and GK Emese. In the conducted experiment, such features as grain yield and its components as: plant density, number of panicles, tillering index, grain weight per panicle and thousand grain mass were studied. Protein content in grain was also studied and protein yield was calculated. The GK Emese variety proved to be the most stable in terms of grain and protein yield, but it was also the most sensitive to sowing date. The other two varieties Anggy and Albanus showed a varied response to sowing date in terms of grain and protein yield.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 or brown spot of pomegranate bushes in the western part of Azerbaijan2024-11-04T09:15:04+00:00Lala A.<p>Alternariosis or brown spot (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) is a widespread disease of pomegranate bushes in Azerbaijan. The disease occurs mainly in the western part of the country. Alternariosis or brown spot on pomegranate bushes (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) is found mainly on leaves and fruits. On ripening pomegranate fruits, the lesion begins with small brown or black spots that increase in size and become round or oval. The causative agents of alternariosis or brown spot on pomegranate bushes (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) are imperfect fungi of the genus Alternaria, from the order Hyphomycetales; Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl is more common in the conditions of the western part of Azerbaijan. Alternariosis or brown spot (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) causes the greatest harm in conditions of sufficient moisture.<br>The aim of the article is to present the results of studies on the distribution, intensity of development and harmfulness of alternariosis or brown spot of pomegranate bushes (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.), as well as biological effectiveness of fungicides used to control alternariosis, in the western part of Azerbaijan. Research methods used are generally accepted in phytopathology and plant protection to identify and record the infectious potential of the causative agent of alternariosis or brown spot of pomegranate bushes (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) as well as to disease monitoring. During field studies, the fungicides used were 0.4% Selphate (37.5% copper oxychloride + 16% zineb), 0.05% Azoxifene (20% azoxystrobin + 12.5% difenoconazole), 0.05% Conazole (25% difenoconazole) and 0.3% P-oxiride (50% copper oxychloride) and determined their biological effectiveness accordingly.<br>In the last 5 years, there has been a trend of increasing harmfulness of alternariosis or brown spot of pomegranate bushes (Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl.) in the western part of Azerbaijan. As our research results show, brown spot mainly affected the leaves of pomegranate bushes. Damage to pomegranate fruits differed only in certain years in the studied gardens. During field studies, it was found that the 0.4% fungicide Selphate gives the best results.</p>2024-11-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024, survey on a natural medicine with multidimensional uses and pharmacological characteristics2024-12-03T10:13:56+00:00Haiyan Zhangdsds@iung.plYue Kuangssas@wp.plMohamad Hesam<p>Genus Dendrobium consisting of nearly 1000 species which is basically found in tropical and subtropical areas. The genus Dendrobium have been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for around 2000 years. The systematic review of manuscripts and articles dedicated to traditional medicine in China has been carried out. The surveys of interest were indexed in “SciFinder”, “PubMed”, “Web of Science”, and “Scopus”. Relevant literature has been obtained using the keywords “Traditional Chinese Medicine”, “Dendrobium”, “Anti-cancer activity”, “Antioxidant activity”, “Polysaccharides”, “Alkaloids”, “Antibacterial activity”, “Anti-fungal activity”, “Bibenzyls”, and “Glycosides”. This review aims to promote utilization of Dendrobium which is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine because of its different pharmaceutical and medicinal properties, lastly, future challenges and research directions are discussed. Furthermore, clinical trials studies promote researches to highlight and focus on the scope of application of traditional Chinese medicine in growing system of medicine.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 sustainable opportunity for metabolic health: Study of the most important plants of the Middle East2025-01-03T13:24:42+00:00Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabianhf@iung.plYue Kuangdsdas@iung.plHaiyan<p>Application of medicinal and aromatic plants and herbs in the Middle East, West of Asia, and North Africa has related to the origin of human civilization. The keywords searched for “Traditional Medicine”, “Neglected plants”, “Natural products”, “Frankincense”, “Garlic”, “Mandrake”, “Milk thistle”, “Myrrh”, “Mint”, “Mustard seed”, “Nard”, “Turmeric”, “Saffron”, “Coriander”, “Wild lettuce”, “Wild endive”, “Pistachio” and “Almond” were performed by using Web of Science, Scopus, Google scholar, and PubMed. Medicinal foods and plants may provide phytotherapy a latest dimension and make them able in their consumption to treat and prevent various diseases. Traditional herbal medicines have been known as an essential source of healing treatment, as their chemical constituents are applied to promote health and prevent many sicknesses. Some of the notable medicinal herbs, and plants of North Africa and the Middle East which have been also mentioned are frankincense, garlic, mandrake, milk thistle, myrrh, mint, mustard seed, nard, turmeric, saffron, coriander, wild lettuce, wild endive, pistachio, and almond. The goal of this article was to review the important health advantages and pharmaceutical benefits of medicinal and aromatic plants and herbs in the Middle East. Medicinal herbs and plants can be used for treatment and alleviation of the negative impacts of several diseases.</p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 assessment of weed control and soybean productivity depending on herbicide selection and timing of application2025-01-29T13:11:28+00:00Adrian Sikoraddadewd@iung.plAgnieszka Klimek-Kopyra2321@iung.plBogdan<p>Herbicide protection affects the health and plants conditions of soybean and is influenced by the weather. Due to the increase in weed infestation in the initial period of plant growth, agrotechnical solutions are sought to enhance protection of plants against excessive weed infestation, taking into account the weather at sowing time. These solutions, however, are not always effective. The aim of the study was to compare the plant morphology, seed yield and weed infestation of soybean crop, cultivar ‘Merlin’, dependin on the weed management and weather conditions. A two-factor field experiment was set up at the Bayer Crops Experimental Statio in Chechło, Poland. The timing of application of herbicides (post-sowing and pre emergence) and combinations of herbicides were compared. The study showed that application of herbicides immediately after sowing effectively regulates weed infestation of a soybean plantation and shows low phytotoxicity. In years with a high water deficit, herbicides should be applied immediately after sowing.<br />The field experiment confirmed the positive effect of herbicide protection applied immediately after sowing on the habit of soybean plants and the crop yield. The choice of the broad-spectrum mixtures of herbicides Bandur 600 SC (aclonifen) and Sencor Liquid 600 SC (metribuzin) guarantees high efficacy with low or no phytotoxicity. To obtain high soybean yield, however, the application of the herbicide Artist (as a mixture of flufenacet and metribuzin) is recommended.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 and maintenance of Nicotiana genetic resources2024-11-18T14:05:20+00:00Monika Agacka-Mołdochmagacka@iung.pulawy.plTeresa<p>The collection and maintenance of genetic resources of plants is the basis for protecting biodiversity of sources of genetic variation used in breeding. Genebanks collect and store plant material in a viable state and also conduct its evaluation. The most critical factor in maintaining viability is assessing the germination capacity of seeds, which depends on the plant species as well as on the conditions and duration of seed storage. The rate of viability loss varies between species but always increases with seed age. Reduced germination capacity indicates the need for seed regeneration of stored samples. Understanding the period during which seeds of a given species remain viable under specific storage conditions allows for optimizing the regeneration of samples in the collection. This study presents data on seed viability of species of the genus Nicotiana under different storage conditions. They indicate the significant influence of air temperature, seed humidity and oxygen content in the air on long-term seed storage. The aim of this study was to present information on the conservation of genetic resources of the Nicotiana genus from different countries and their potential utilization in breeding programs. Many species of the Nicotiana genus are a valuable sources of resistance to viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases, as well as pests. Numerous resistance traits have been successfully transferred to cultivated tobacco (N. tabacum), frequently resulting in the development of new valuable varieties and breeding materials.</p>2024-02-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Current Agronomy